Alternating arm swing
Stimulate blood circulation towards the lower arms, hands and fingers, while reducing stiffness in the neck and shoulders and releasing tension in the upper and lower back. You'II love it!
Keep your arms long and swing them from front to back in opposite directions.
- Swing even more by bending your knees dynamically in the deepest arm position.
- For a full range of motion, clap your hands over your head.
- To improve your coordination, extend the movement to a full arm circle: one arm forward and one arm backwards.
![Alternating arm swing](https://safety.wur.nl/images/exercise/armswing.png)
Twisting makes your spine more flexible and releases tension in the back. Focussing on a big range of motion strengthens your abdominal muscles. Lifting your arms strengthens your shoulders, and bringing your shoulder blades together strengthens your upper back.
- Lift both arms until they reach shoulder height, then bend them 90 degrees and bring your shoulderblades together.
- Twist your upper body to the left and the right without turning your hips.
- A high speed or bouncing twists increase the oblique intensity
Thoracic extension
In daily life we work a lot in front of us. Over the years, all that sitting and gravity pull us down and forward, increasing the chance of developing a round back. To prevent this forward bend, it's very important to extend the back a lot. This exercise helps you avoid developing a hunchback with all the problems it causes. It also helps to restore some flexibility to your back.
- Interlock your fingers and place your hands on the back of your head. Point your elbows to the front.
- Slowly lift your nose, chin and elbows up towards the ceiling. Keep them there for a full breath.
- Repeat this a few times. Delicious!
- The more difficult it feels, the more you need it. Do it two or three times an hour!
![Thoracic extension](https://safety.wur.nl/images/exercise/thoracic_extension.png)
Extend to bend contrast
Keep the joints in your spine smooth and flexible, release body tension and strengthen the deeper abdominal muscles. The exercise in combination with the breathing releases stress and delivers lots of oxygen to the brain and other cells. You'II feel a relaxed energy afterwards.
- Bend forward and relax your body. Let gravity pull you over.
- Swing your arms a bit.
- Inhale deeply while you roll up your spine until you stand straight up again.
- Bend over backwards, as far as you can. Make sure you exhale all the way.
- When you're out of breath, pull yourself back up until you are standing straight up again
- Start easy with a small range of motion to get used to the exercise.
![Extend to bend contrast](https://safety.wur.nl/images/exercise/bend.png)
Chest crossover to spread
Strengthen your chest muscles and stretch your chest and shoulders. This exercise also stimulates blood circulation in your chest, shoulders and lower arms
- Stand tall and proud, lifting your chest a bit.
- Spread your arms wide at shoulder height.
- Quickly cross your arms in front of you, with one arm above the other.
- Quickly reverse tl.eir position, with the other arm on top.
- Spread your arms wide again, straight out from your shoulders.
- Repeat this several times, trying to increase the range of motion.
- Wide, cross cross, wide
![Chest crossover to spread](https://safety.wur.nl/images/exercise/crossover_spread.png)
LAteral knee lifts
Strengthen your oblique abdominals to stimulate balance and coordination. This is tough work!
- Stand tall and proud. Fold your hands behind your head.
- Lift one knee up and to the side as high as you can.
- Bend your upper body so your elbow and knee make contact.
- Return your foot to the floor and your body back to a. straight standing position.
- Repeat on the other side.
![LAteral knee lifts](https://safety.wur.nl/images/exercise/knee_lifts.png)
Chest stretch on the wall
After werking on things in front of you for a long time, it is a real pleasure to open your chest as much as possible. This creates more space for blood circulation.
- Place the palm of one clean hand against a wall, a bit higher than your shoulder and a little bit behind you.
- Straighten your arm almost all the way, but keep a slight bend in your elbow to avoid a locked position.
- Turn your upper body to increase the stretch on your chest and the front side of the shoulder.
- Keep this posture for one to three full breaths.
- Repeat it on the other side.
- Placing your hand a bit higher or lower changes the stretching focus on a certain part of the muscle. Feel free to try different hand placements.
![Chest stretch on the wall](https://safety.wur.nl/images/exercise/chest_stretch.png)
Lower arm stretch
Decrease the amount of !actie acid in your lower arm muscles and release muscle tension.
- Stand tall and proud.
- Lift one arm in front of you with your palm facing up.
- Use the other hand to pull the first hand down so your wrist bends up to 90 degrees.
- Make sure you fully extend your first arm and push your elbow up a bit to stretch the lower part of the lower arm.
- Repeat this with the other arm.
- Start again with the first arm, but with your palm facing down. You will now feel the upper part of your lower arm.
![Lower arm stretch](https://safety.wur.nl/images/exercise/arm_stretch.png)