CANS Risk Assessment

If you work a lot in front of the computer it's important to be aware of and prevent pain in arms, neck and schoulders (CANS, also know as RSI or KANS in Dutch). Here you can do a risk assessment to see if you have a high risk of acquiring CANS.

Work variation

1. My daily routing is
a mix of easy and difficult tasks
only easy or difficult tasks
2. During my computer work I mainly use
the mouse
both the mousing and keyboard
3. I feel supported by my peers
a lot

Working hours

1. I work at a computer screen for more than 5 hours a day?
2. I use a laptop, phone or tablet computer without separate keyboard/ mouse for over two hours a day?
3. I take a ten minute break after each two hours of computer work?
4. I alternate work on the screen at least every 2 hours with other work?


1. I have to work very hard every week to finish my work on time?
2. I have unfinished work at the end of the week
3. The amount of work or tight deadlines affect the quality of my work
4. I experience influence on the planning of my work
To a great extend
only limited
5. I'm being told that my work is 'not properly' or 'insufficient'
Very often
6. I have the opportunity to relax after work?
Only limited
7. I consider myself a perfectionist?
Not at all
To a great extend

Work posture

1. I sit still in one position for over an hour?
2. My shoulders are tense at work?
3. I keep my wrists more or less straight when typing and working with the mouse?
4. I take at least half an hour of exercise (cycling, walking, swimming, sports, etc.)?
Every day


1. I can sit right in front of my screen at a comfortable distance?
2. The top edge of my screen is at or slightly below eye level?
3. I can adjust the armrests of my chair so that my forearms are well supported?
4. The armrests of my chair are so short that they do not get in the way when I sit at the desk?
5. I have sufficient free leg and foot space under my desk?
6. My desk is/can be adjusted to my height?
7. My chair is/can be adjusted to my height?
8. The climate (draft, temperature, light) at my workspace is as desired?